This page is meant as a very basic tool to aid users of the Damm check digit algorithm. I created this for my own uses but hope that it may be helpful for someone else too! This tool uses only client-side javascript which can be reviewed by looking at the page source. Calculate Damm Check […]
Year: 2020

As a first dabble into amateur radio projects, I decided to build a Morse code practice oscillator. I searched around for a suitable schematic that my scrap-bin could supply all the parts for. In the end I settled on a simple 555 based circuit from the ARRL, found here. The circuit produces a square wave […]
Improving Awful Audio Attenuators

Several well known audio/electronics distributors sell inline XLR audio attenuators. Typical values sold are -10 and -20dB. I had a need for -30dB so took one apart to change the internal resistors. The theory of operation is that since balanced audio has two equivalent signals of opposite phase, a resistor tying hot and cold together […]
LANC Video Camera Control

This research was undertaken as the final year honours project of a Computer Science BSc. Abstract Due to cumbersome existing solutions, this project aimed to develop a remote video camera control system that imposes minimal hardware overhead to the user. Extensive market research and stakeholder interaction led to the design and realisation of an integrated […]