SOTAtoADIF v1.0.0-alpha1
Today marks the first pre-release of SOTAtoADIF .
The basic functionality is working however there may be bugs and the documentation is yet to be completed. Please use with caution.
SOTAtoADIF is a software project to provide a tool for converting SOTA database CSV log files into ADIF. The project is written in Python and is open-source under the terms of the GNU GPL v3+.
The purpose of starting the project was to provide a way to use SOTA CSV activator logs to QSL via ARRL’s LoTW. Besides the simple matter of converting the information already present in the CSV to ADIF, it is neccessary to determine the operating location for each QSO. To achieve this, SOTAtoADIF queries the SOTA API to lookup summit locators from the summit references present in the CSV.
Contrary to what many people seem to believe, you do not need a station location in TQSL for every single summit! As long as you have not changed the default TQSL settings, the locator from the ADIF QSO will override the station location selected. The remaining caveat is your callsign must imply the DXCC entity you operated from.
Next Steps
There are several things that need to happen before the full release of v1.0.0 can be made.
- Complete basic ‘how to use’ documentation
- Start in-depth wiki to document in more detail, especially TQSL workflow
- Hopefully fix some friendly bug reports from others
If enough reports are received from users/testers, it may make sense to provide additional pre-release versions.
Can You Help?
Yes! If you have activator QSOs logged in the SOTA database, try using this software. If something doesn’t work or you receive warning messages, please report issues on Github.
2 replies on “Introducing SOTAtoADIF”
Hi Jack
First of all welcome to the SOTA family and great work on your first activation
. Second, thank you so much for producing this tool, I’ve just given it a go and it has worked fantastically! I have wanted to upload my SOTA summit QSOs to LOTW for a very long time but have never even tried due to the problems with having to create a TQSL station ID for each summit. This is really great work, I look forward to seeing the next iteration! 73, M1HAX
Hi Richard, thank you for the kind words. I’m really glad you’ve already found the tool useful. I best hurry up with the documentation!